**But I do appreciate all the awards and tags that you pass on to me. Yes I really do!**
Anyway this tag is different. Ki came up with a few questions that I am supposed to answer. I am also supposed to write random stuff about myself and tag 11 people. Which *obviously* I am not going to do. Someone please change the rules!
Or just break them, like I did. Yeah I am a wild child.
2. Skirts or pants?
3. Coke or Pepsi?
4. Summer or winter?
6. What is your comfort food?
7. Which fashion trend would you never wear?
8. What is your dream job?
9. Which is the next place you would like to travel to?
10. What are your wardrobe staples?
11. Who is your most favourite person in the whole world?
Non-Indian readers, am sure you wouldn’t be interested in this. Its a (short) review of a recently released Hindi movie – Agneepath.
Watched Agneepath this weekend. I am not going to write a full fledged review here.. so here’s the gist. Hrithik Roshan was fabulous as usual. Another brilliant performance. I loved Rishi Kapoor’s role and character. He is one brilliant actor! Sanjay Dutt is the scariest villian I have ever seen in my life. I can still hear Kancha’s booming and absolutely frightening laughter in my head. To play such a role, build such a body and act with such finese at his age – I salute that actor! I have no idea what Priyanka Chopra was doing in that film. She opened a stupid chinese beauty parlor and that’s about it.
I liked the first half. But the second half really dragged on. At one point I was ready to scream “Kill him already!!! And get it over with so that I can get out and go eat!!”. But he din’t kill. He just dragged it on and on. Literally. (Watch the movie and you’ll understand). So I simply walked out during the last 15-20min and had some yummy cake. Yes I walked out of a film. This is a first for me!
Good looking outfit and very interesting interview!
Yay, Polka dots 🙂
Hope you'll feel better soon!
& btw, Indian cinema is interesting for non-indians as well (especially those of us whose older brothers are studying Indian Studies & convince their little sisters to watch every Indian film they can get their hands on… Just sayin' :))
Anazing cardi! http://karo-just-me.blogspot.com/
Very interesting tag! And i am loving that polka dot cardi!
Phitis is so nice^)
nice that u want to learn spanish and visit my beautiful coutry 😀
i was waiting to watch Agneepath, but after ur review… wow, u walked out! maybe i'll still watch it online to enjoy Roshan's body a little 😉
have a lovely weekend!
I love your polka cardi…its so pretty!!
Haven't watched Agneepath…thanks for the review 🙂
Ha ha ha, I love that you are your favourite person! 😀 I don't like super long tags too, but hey, I got tagged so I did it 😀
I concur with you about those tags….I have enough on my plate already, lol. But your answers were fun! Love the polka dot cardi!!!
I like the black and white polka dot cardigan with the yellow beads necklace! Great idea! Feel better soon!
Nice interview, haha 🙂
And cute outfit! I love the polka dot cardigan and your bright yellow necklace <3
Love your polka dot cardigan! I Want to go to Greece too. Have a lovely weekend!
Nice outfit!
But, i have to ask you this!
How tall are you!? I am quite tall myself, and love it, when i meet other tall people! 😀 hehe
Looking forward to watch the movie, only cause of Hrithik! 🙂
Amei a combinação do colar amarelo, lindo
Hope you get better soon!! thank you for your comment ;D
Tags are indeed boring 🙂 🙂
loved the polka dot cardigan 🙂 🙂
awesome post dear love your interview gorgeous cardigan thanks for following me following you back kisses
Love your blog xx can we follow each other xx
Congrats on a tag 🙂 I am really liking your polka dotted cardigan! Oh, I am actually currently obsessed with anything that's polka dots!
Good luck!
lovely interview and lovely blog!Follow each other?
Cool outfit..you look great! It's so nice knowing a little more about you now following!
aw I hope you feel better! dont worry this post was awesome!! I gotta say greece is my favourite country in the whole world!! its just so beautiful!!
thanks for your sweet comments! i think i've been pretty lucky to win those giveways 🙂 anyways, i LOVE your polka-dot cardi!!!
3 – Agree, Pepsi tastes sweeter to me
7 – Haha! I'm scared of snakes too, but never say never b/c I've been wearing my faux-snakeskin print pumps non-stop since acquiring them a few months back.
I heart me some polka dots. Cute ensemble!
nice blog
new follower of your blog
now follow my blog
lovely cardigan…
i love that polka dot cardigan!! super cute! hope you feel better and have a great weekend. <3
Great outfit!
Loved ur cardigan.. And quite an interview.. Agneepath was originally not that great.. Except for the dialogue by amitabh bachan Mein Vijay dheenandh chauhan.. Sanjay Dutt really scared me so Im going to give it a miss.. nice review… 😀
I like your tag 🙂
Do you want to follow each other?
hope you are feeling a bit better- for not being well, you did an outstanding post!! Liked those questions (and your answers very well)- it said alot about you- forinstance the 'comfort food'- the fact you don't have one does show in your excellent body type. Also, I loved your answer to the final question-that your favorite person is YOU- very very good answer!!
You look great – love that polka dot cardi and the yellow necklace 🙂
I love your answers and this look, that polka dot cardi is gorgeous and the yellow necklace is perfect with it.
Just became a follower xo
Love your answers, especially the 11th one!:D U look very sweet, cardigan is precious!! Happy Sunday!!
Nice look. I like the pull ! 🙂
Cute necklace!
Thanks for the lovely comment + follow!
of course i'll follow u back 🙂
Cute outfit, I really like your polkadot jacket 🙂 xoxo
i so want ur polka jacket…..xoxo
I love your outfit!!! Especially the necklace 😉 xx
hey btw, followed you, can you pls follow back?
Love the dots and the yellow, perfect :)) xx Nini
cute post! i dont have a comfort food really… i can't eat when im sad or mad. also thanks for your sweet comment 🙂
Winter in India, summer in Europe….sounds perfect indeed.
Enjoy your sunday.
I love your polka dot cardigan! I really enjoyed your answers too, I cannot tell the difference between pepsi and coke either and I am more of a skirt person too! xo
I really like the yellow necklace on the grey t-shirt!
Fun post and LOVE your polka dot cardigan!
Nice post and lovely outfit…I follow U back!
See U soon on http://fashionistb.blogspot.com/
Love this look!!!Thanks a lot for your comment!!! xoxo from ROME
Greece is such an amazing country… that was definitely a good answer! xox
you look so happy :* really like such personal posts :>
this is the best of tagging, you get to know more about other bloggers..
i would love to go to spain too!!! btw i learned french from paris 🙂
take care. xoxo, Haus of Gala
Great post! ♥
Linda from http://www.moonon.com
I have to say the same about the tags, it is definitely nice to be thought of, but after a bajillion of them it does get to be busy work!
now following!
Loved getting to know you better! And lovely polka dots 🙂 xoxo
In love with this cardigan! Gorgeous look 🙂
Cute sweater! (:
– Jaimie
beautiful outfit 😀
Love the cardigan!! 🙂 Polka dots — <3 You look lovely in all the pictures above but the last one is magnificent! :) I like your wedges too!! :)
I enjoyed so much reading your answers!!!!!!!
Love that polka cardi…Thanx for reveiew 🙂 Get well soon !
♡ StylishByNature.com
nice tag and talking abt being blank…its monday morning and i m so blank!
Hi lovely,
I really like this tag;)
Yes,I would like to follow each other!!
Now I'm following on GFC,on bloglovin and on facebook:)
Wait for you!
See you soon
Fashion tea at 5
cute pictures 🙂
xoxo from germany
The Mandarine Girl
Great pictures! Is also nice knowing a bit more of you. Have a lovely week <3<3
I love anything in Polka Dots <3
doneeee darling 🙂
cute necklace!
i love the polka dot cardi dear xxx
hope you can visit my blog
thanks for your pretty comment! i'm following you too xoxo 🙂
Your t.Shirt polka dots i like it!!! your are so amazing in these photos!
WE have a new Post!
love the polka dots
Tags can be fun when you've got nothing else to do xD
Cute dotty cardi!
xoxo Maria
blog: http://blog.missesdressy.com/author/maria-s
Shop: http://missesdressy.com
I love your outfit — as always. You usually have the most interesting, unique pieces — like this cardigan. Polka dots are super cute.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
what fun questions and even better answers!!1 Nice to know a little bot more about you!
Thanks for visiting my blog – see you back there soon!
Style-Delight Blog
Hope you feel better and yes I have another tag to do and I want the rules changed too:)
Yeah, I'm with you on the tag thing. Not only do I have upwards of 300 blogs to read and comment on, I just don't have the time anymore. So I usually just link back to the tagger and say something nice on my blog about them 🙂
awesome post! very interesting to learn all this 🙂 love that polka dot sweater!
I haven't watched a bollywood movie in quite some time, but this one definitely sounds interesting. Similarly to you, I prefer a book versus an e-book reader and also skirts vs. pants. And…you got it, pepsi is a lot sweeter than coke 🙂
You look great!! Loved the answers too, I don't like snakeskin either, creepy!! I prefer books to e-book, will never have any of those. I like skirts to trousers too. Pepsi is sweeter than Coke!! xx
Cute answers, skinny jeans are definitely my staple too 🙂 THank you for commenting on my blog and following 🙂 I'm now following you as well 🙂
Hi sweety, hope that you're feeling better. I'm also lazy to take part in tags. it was interesting learning these things about you. Snakeskin also creepz me out!
Thank you for your comment darling!
Great blog! I follow you!
Linda from http://www.moonon.com
Lovely outfit! Thank you for the sweet comment xo
Love the polka dot and the bracelets
Love the little dot on dot action…great move with the colored necklace…chic honey!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture.com
I get stuck on TAGS too! I have 2 I haven't blogged about…I try, but nothing comes to mind about those. I have so much else I want to say! New follower.
Find me at Blisstobean.blogspot.com
So cute! Love the polka dots!
Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla
Cool post!!!
I've read all the facts about you and I've found a few similarities. For example, I prefer skirts and totally agree with you about a dream job… what could be better than travel, writing and photography?…maybe, painting or making clothes… maybe
Thank you very much for stopping by and following my blog!!!
I checked out a few post from your blog and I really like it.
I follow you back, I'm so glad to have such an versatile follower!!!!
Hope, we'll keep in touch!
Have a wonderful week!
Gah! I don't like snakeskin either, it's just creepy.
Cute sweater! I think I need more polka dots in my life.
I'm glad you decided to do this tag- so fun to learn a bit more about you 🙂 And I love your adorable cardigan 🙂
I am not a tag person either, but enjoyed reading your answers…I am with you on the comfort food bit. Love your outfit, casual and cute:)
Would you share your tips of not using food as comfort? When I'm stressed, I always turn to something delicious… Can't help it 🙂
Loving your spotted cardi, it's so fun and playful. Hope you feel better soon!
such a cute outfit, lovely polka dot and pop up yellow.
Thanks for visit mine, hope to see you back soon.
Love the yellow necklace! =)
Looking nice, it looks like u gain some weight. Take care
I like your writing style!
In ♥ with ur cardi :))She rockin them Stilettos
Such a cute cardigan 🙂 I'm following you!
2. Skirts or pants?
I am more of a skirts person!
Lol 😉
Just look at your website, you'll get the idea! Who are you 😉 😛 rofl
following you back =)
Thanks for answering 😀 I 've folloed you now 😀
Please, do the same 😀 I'll be so happy!!
Wow.:)Do you have a boutique?! I liked all your outfits.Such a cute chain! You look pretty! 🙂
I'll be a regular visitor here! 🙂
I LOVE your blog! Wanna follow each other??
So cute!!
Kisses from Spain