The only thing on my mind over the past few days has been….
I’ve been cooped up for so long and it seems like my last travel/vacation was forever ago. My travel seems to happen in spurts, either I travel a lot of not at all. I just wish it was distributed a bit more evenly over the entire year, like a vacation every two months 😛 Here’s hoping that dream comes true soon!
Which reminds me, I think I am going to start my travel series posts soon. If I can’t physically be at my dream vacation destination, let me at least reminisce about my past travels through blog posts. Got to adjust with something!
I’ve taken a little break from outfit posts (last post was on Oct 6) but I’ve been posting my daily outfits on instagram along with all the OctoberWithInFb posts, which have really been super fun. I’ve found so many new bloggers to follow.
So what else have I got to share?? *thinks hard* Well I guess that’s about it! Outfit posts will be back on from next week (I am kinda starting to miss them now, but I needed a small break)
The Lashkaraa giveaway (click here to enter) is still on, so if haven’t entered it already, do it right now so that you get your goodie bag right in time for diwali! 🙂
I’ve just returned home from a day spent lounging by the pool (which was after a few laps coz I need my dose of exercise/fitness even on a weekend at a resort!) So browse the Lashkaraa collections while I go hit the bed (sore arms and tired muscles – but yay!)
What have you guys been up to? Any travel plans before the year end?
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looks great!
Seriously I do wish to do the same ! though my last travel was just two months back, I simply can't wait to go again !!
Thanks so much for ur comment on my blog !
travel travel all means dear…you are young and fancy free…. i am in same boat of no travels due to my personal can feel 🙂
am so done with giveaways (dont win any) so not taking part!!
Don't we all! 🙂
haha ya true!