Off-late, I haven’t been reading many blogs or exploring new ones either. All of a sudden (or maybe it was gradual but has come to my notice only now) I feel there are too many new blogs with no direction, no passion, no personality except a want for more and more followers and fame, cropping up. I’ve been blogging for only a little more than an year, but in this short period of time, I have seen numerous such new blogs come up. There is that rare chance of one or two of them being genuinely good, but the rest all fall into the same category – started to share their “passion for fashion and all things beauty related”, to “express themselves and connect with like-minded people”. Frankly I see those bloggers do everything else except these two things that they so earnestly express.There was a time when I was excited to read and discover more and more blogs. But now I’ve reached a limit! If I come across another blogger that describes themselves as someone who “loves everything fashion and beauty related” (seriously??! Can’t you be a little more creative and original when describing yourself?) or as a “shopaholic” or starts quoting random quotes of Coco Chanel assuming that makes them a fashionista, or keeps spamming everyone’s blogs with the “follow me on facebook, twitter and every damn social networking site I am part of” routine, I am going to snap!
For now I think I am quite happy sticking to the blogs that I already follow!
Jeans : Recap (’11)
Black tee : Lee (’09)
Coral pink tank : Target (’11)
Shoes : Enroute (’11)
Bangles : Street shopping (’10)
Necklace : (’11)
p.s – Added the year I’ve bought the particular items as requested by a reader. But honestly I am not that good at remembering, so you’ll get to see a lot of blanks here!
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sometimes you have to step away and then come back to it all…get inspired.. love your shoe colour btw!
cute and casual
nice ensemble .. I loved the dash of pink and orange in ur outfit 😀
Today seems like the perfect day for me to tell you that you were one of the first people to ever see my blog and I so appreciated your attention and sweet comments. Today, I appreciate your continued visits! You're one of the good ones.
True! Well, I'm a newcomer too and it took me quite a while to understand the process. Coming to the outfit, I love those orange pumps and that necklace is beautiful!
gorgeous necklace! and i totally get what you mean by the blogs that do everything except what they claim to do.
So true, I've been in a blogging funk lately. I haven't had any desire to post or to read any more blogs. Maybe I just need a break.
p.s. Love those shoes!
I have been a blogger since 2006 and blog about everything…and have really enjoyed discovering some grt blogs, including those on fashion….wat i feel is off late there have been a major spurt in fashion bloggers and most of them do not have good content and just here for the traffic!!…..and since i do outfit posts once in a while..and get fashion blogging traffic, i find that its only the fashion bloggers who ask me to follow is irritating!!
i have never got such comments from my fellow bloggers who are into other segments of blogging..such as travel, food, poetry……it makes me wonder sometimes conscious people a wee bit attention seeking ones general life..??
I hope not..coz i have met some wonderful fashion bloggers inn real life and they are wonderful in real life too!!
those shoes doh… I need them in my life. cute ensemble
LOVE the color of your shoes!!
Yeah, i agree.. Suddenly there are like A LOT OF FASHION BLOGGERS in the blogo-sphere. It becomes difficult now to keep track but i do read my favorite blogs. 🙂 And some of the new blogs are actually good. 🙂
I love your tee and that pretty necklace. Lovely. <3 Waiting for your next post!
P.S. — New Post on my blog too Cherie! <3 Make sure you take out time and give it a look. I'd really appreciate that! Once again -- Lovely blog-post! :)
those denims look quite similar to the ones i have from Jealous 21 ! love that shade! and those shoes are to die for!
If some one truly is passionate about fashion and can reflect it in there posts…they will get more following.
So trying to get better content should be the focus and rest will follow. I agree many don't do that .There is a rat race .
Love love love your shoes!
shoe color is awesome! and yes..too many fashion blogs..even I wonder why there just aren't being so original.Is being original so hard?
LOL!!! There are so many fashion bloggers out there, same ilk, same profile description, same style of pictures for Chrissakes! I sincerely DO NOT follow those who beg you to follow. If your blog is powerful enough, it can pull readers to youy regularly:) Good ensemble, love the accessories in this picture:)
its especially annoying when people post these follow me comments over and over again in different entries., because they forgot that they already spammed you.
the necklace is really cute 🙂
I love the neckpiece and your footwears !!
and coming to new bloggers even I am new. But all I want to do is learn, improve and express my feelings that sometimes is difficult to share with close people and is easy to with stangers !! You know there is no possiblity that they will judge you, so its easy to express yourself at times. Also, I am no fashionsita but blogging makes me adapt changes in my fashion Sense. So overall I am loveing it.
I hope you find my blog genuine hahaha kiiding!!
You rock girl!! Love reading your posts 😀
Love that necklace, it's so pretty!! I agree, there are loads of blogs that say they are this but really are something different. I blog about what I like, but don't blog about stuff I know nothing about otherwise I will just sound silly. I don't mind variety in a blog, I welcome it actually, but one can tell when someone is doing it to get more followers and I don't like when people go 'follow me, I am following you' because really they are just saying that and I find those kinds of people just sad and un-worth my time!! xx
And I was working on a (complaining) post about social networking lol! I feel so overloaded after a few hours on the computer. I love discovering new blogs too but sometimes I'm just worn out! On a happier note: LOVE those shoes!
That's the beauty of the internet, anyone can become a fashion blogger. I found your blog a couple of months ago and I liked it, followed and read most of your archives, because i found you to be intelligent and genuine but after reading your comments above I sense a non humble, too proud of tone because you've been blogging for a year you are to good to read new blogs/follow. I guess its hard to see from a couple of words people write whether they are sincere anyhow good luck to all.
I agree with you on the random blogs that open up every day and bloggers who keep spaming.. Everyone who is bored and can type has started a blog..
Oh I get it! I am very new to blogging world and it is sort of disheartening to see comments like, “Good post. Visit me. Follow mine, I'll follow you back” with every goddamn link to BlogLovin, FB and stuff. At times I have been irked enough, and copy pasted the same comments to the particular blog :O
Well that is a great outfit sweetie 🙂
I am loving the shoes and that neck piece 😀 You inspire me to lose weight 🙂
Namita <3
Hi Chandana,
Caught up with a whole lot of the previous posts-the pink pants despite all your apprehensions suit you to the T and that paisely short skirt also is so cute and wonderfully girlie:-)
I agree on the fact that a lot of new bloggers and new writers are entering the domain-it is becoming increasingly difficult to not just keep up with them all but even to put up something worthwhile yourself-sigh, blogging is not as exciting as before, I guess!
You keep up with the spirit!
Everyone wants a slice of the pie. The problem is some people have talent, others don't. And I've seen many a talentless hack receive fame. Oh well. Hey, if I like ya, I'll follow you and ask you to do the same. I will not support someone who does not support me (this is a business at my age). But I too am having trouble finding blogs that are genuinely creative. I don't care too much about anything else other than fashion when it comes to blogging though. It's an outlet from the rest of the troubled world so I wanna see some eyecandy and then move on!
Vintage Collar Necklace Giveaway
To your outfit: the shoes and tank matching is a great idea…I may copy you so be warned 🙂
Oh wow I have visited your blog many times and you have mine so I hope I don't fall under your wrath:) But advice don't worry about what other people do just keep doing you!!
As usual, you look gorgeous 🙂
I just LOVEEEE your shoes!
True Chandana, even I find more blogs cropping up in a second. And the bad part is, so many of these blogs are so materialistic, have no real direction or personality to them. It's a little sad to watch. So even though I keep searching for new blogs to read, I really sieve through them to pick out a good few of them.
lovely look dear!!
like it!!
hahahahha, oh i know what you mean…most girls just cry all the time and post shit about how there boyfriend dumped them….or just post pics of themselves again and again…and i love the bag.!!
you are such a model!!!! amazing body
Thanks for stopping by! I really love the coral flats!
I know nothing about Fashion.
But you! NIceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! really beautiful!
I hate the 'follow me' statement. It turned so obvious these days that now I don't like 'I am following you' statement too. I wouldn't need that confirmation when you follow my blog. I know it.
Loved that neck piece and shoes, nice color!
I loved ..your look soo casual and fresh
adorable <3
Cute outfit.
very cute shoes..*.*
Good one…
cute shoes! X
I think all blogs have their own personal touch; which makes them all unique.It's always nice to have followers, so I don't see anything wrong in it if people ask me to follow them.;) You look very pretty; cute shoes and necklace.;)
I love these shoes – they're so cute. And I agree, the “follow me”-nonstop bloggers are annoying.
Great look! Love your shoes:)
Looking really cute dear, I love your pretty flats and that sweet necklace!! Happy Tuesday!
Second pic has waved off my mind lovelyyy
Cool flats! I love the colors and the details on the ankle strap.
great look! i really love the flats!
You look lovely! The necklace is so beautiful!
those tangerine shoes are awesome!!!