So its been a month since I decided to make fitness a part of my everyday life (I was a lazy as hell before that) and as promised here is the post! I have a naturally lean body and I don’t tend to put on weight at all, so this is only going to be about basic fitness, toning up muscle, increasing stamina and endurance.
What I use:
How I started:
My first instinct was to join a gym, have a personal trainer and go into full-on fitness mode. It took me only a single visit to decide that I din’t need their ‘services’. Here I am trying to make them understand that all I needed was to improve my stamina, and they were busy shoving ‘packages’ and promising me so many ‘kilos’ per month. O-kay.
So I headed back home and took the help of trusty ‘ol google, a couple of books and my mom (who is my nutrition expert). After researching and reading a lot, and trying out what I read for a couple of days I chalked out a plan for myself based on my body type, my lifestlyle habits and a whole lot of other things.
Body type: Lean, long limbs, no tendency to put on weight easily.
What I lack: Stamina (so that was my #1 target)
What I started with:
It really doesn’t matter at what time you choose to exercise (early mornings or evenings) as long as you get some sort of exercise done during your day. I am all stiff-jointed in the mornings, so I only stick to exercises that allow me to stretch, like yoga.
Mornings: Yoga, light cardio (like jumping rope, brisk walking)
Evenings: Free weights exercises
Day 1: Upper body – Arms, shoulders, chest and abs
Day 2: Lower body – Back, Lower back, legs and abs(again)
- First two days are always the hardest
- Until it becomes a strong habit you need to revolve the rest of your life around your fitness routine (Finish my workout and then go out/Meet friends an hour later so I can finish my workout. Basically postpone anything that interferes with my workout!) and not the other way around.
- Its more important to listen to your body than to stick to the same routine.
- Never try any exercise or workout schedule or diet just because it worked for someone else
- Cardio is a MUST. Just because you are thin and people say cardio is mainly for shedding calories and fat, doesn’t mean its not for you. The intensity can be moderated depending on what you are targeting (weight loss/weight gain/stamina)
- Extremely important to warm-up and cool-off (I skipped doing it a couple of times and almost had a sprain)
- Its important to have rest days but I don’t have any ‘fixed’ rest days. Depends on how tired I am feeling.
- I need constant change in life. I strongly dislike routine. I discovered this applies even to my workout. I keep trying to include/exclude exercises to keep things interesting (I pick and choose from the pool!)
What I use:
Exercise/Yoga mat
2kg dumbbells
(Yes that’s all! Now that one month is up, am thinking of including an exercise ball)Next post(s): Diet and food, Workout details.
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i know what you mean.
I was always on and off with exercise over the years but for the past 2 months I've been regularly working out at home and eating just about everything in moderation 😀
Since I don't want to lose any weight and am aiming on just toning up, I'm glad to see your post 🙂 All the best!
That's a interesting post <3 I love work outs and I do Yoga 20 minutes every morning :)
Working out at home requires a hell lot of determination. It has happened with me numerous times that I start working out at home and then forget about it by mid of the month. I always need someone on my head to keep me going.
Anyways, you are doing a greaaaatttt job. I am extremely motivated. Thanks for the post, keep sharing !
Good to hear that! Thanks 🙂
Yoga is the best!
I know.. and since I have very little self-dicipline I had push myself harder than ever to make it a habit! Thank you so much for the appreciation 🙂
Amazing post <3
Come by anytime 🙂
Your Princess is in Another Castle
xx Sofie
exercise balls are fun to work out with 🙂
I should do some workout too!!!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
I am trying to be regular to my zumba and yoga session. And the pain post these activities.. is the pain I love the most.
I am new to this blogging world and I just came across your blog. glad I did because you just reminded me that I need to working out!!… How are you sticking with your routine any secrets?
XoXo Neena
Sweet pain after a workout! 🙂 I know!
First of welcome to blogging! 🙂
No there are no secrets.. just a lot of determination. But I'll be writing abt this in my next posts.. so do stick around! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this! the things you learned gave me good advices. I should definitely start a workout routine! <3
Love from France <3!
Thanx for sharing this post in our daily routineand bsy sechedule this is most important to us. exercise, vitamine and nutritions also very useful.