What goes around always comes around in fashion, sometimes in the exact same way or sometimes with a slight twist or addition of its own catering to the changing audience. But there’s no denying that trends that were ‘in’ in the 90’s like crop tops and overalls or the 70’s bell bottomed trousers and retro looks have all been churned out again. I have never been that keen on following trends mainly because I look at my blog, my life and my style as something very personal rather than fashion forward. Yes it’s always fun to try out new stuff and get out of your comfort zone but not to the point of following trends blindly to the ‘T’. Having said that, there are few trends that never go out of style and have become wardrobe staples. Keep these in your closet and you’ll never have to worry about the what do I wear syndrome!Stripes: Ever since I first started style blogging about three or four years ago, I’ve been hearing that stripes are the best thing ever to happen to fashionkind. Well it’s true. I haven’t come across anything else that is so versatile and chic at the same time.
Polka dots: A polka dot dress automatically makes you feel all lady-like and a polka dot top or a shirt or even a skirt is just so cute and feminine.
Denim on Denim: From being labeled as the biggest fashion faux pas thanks to a number of public fashion crimes committed on its name, it has been given a second chance and successfully emerged as a favorite trend.
All whites: If you can leave aside the terrifying thought of spilling something or getting it dirty or being a total klutz while eating your favorite burger, an all white outfit looks sophisticated as hell. There’s no cooler and simpler way to dress than to go white head to toe.
Florals: Flowers are pretty. Period. Whether it’s in your garden or on your table in a vase or a bouquet in your hand or on either side of the road during a scenic drive OR on your clothes – they just look pretty and make your day so much better. I challenge you to wear a floral dress and be grumpy the whole day. Can’t do it.. can ya?!
Maxi skirts/dresses: Whoever invented these, a million girls around the world are fervently offering their thanks to you. It looks flattering on every body type. It can be dressed up or dressed down. It’s one of the most comfortable attires. It comes with pleats, it comes in crushed cotton, it comes in flowy chiffon, it comes in a riot of colors and it is perfect for so many occasions!
Black and white: The simplest pairing of two colors and it couldn’t look any more perfect.
Perfect skinny jeans: No matter how many varieties of trousers we try – printed, palazzo, sports luxe – a perfect pair of skinny jeans that fits you like a dream is a must have in our closet! It’s evergreen and never lets you down when you need a quick outfit
i really like that polka dots tops…polka dots are back in fashion.
shikha would like you to read…BRIDAL MAKEUP TIPS AND TRICKS
I just cannot get over skinny jeans! I have never tried palazzos or any other trousers for that matter. Even my professional trousers are skinny. I just cannot bring myself to wear loose trousers. Not even a straight fit!
I hope that trend stays forever.
Stripe and B&W, hands down.